

V-EGANISM is independent in thoughts and actions, only choosing what is right and just for animals, humans, and the environment. V-EGANISM however does have a mission statement which is how the founder of veganism, Donald Watson, originally coined the word's definition. It was a perfect definition then and it still is a perfect definition now. So the following paragraph is V-EGANISM's official Mission Statement:

"V-EGANISM educates people and helps people and animals regarding the political and social justice cause, Veganism, which is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude--as far as is possible and practical--all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing, cosmetics, household products, entertainment, service or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals, and the environment."


I share links daily regarding animal rights/veganism on BlueSky:

Healthy Body, Mind & Spirit Maneki Neko Cat

Healthy Body, Mind & Spirit Maneki Neko Cat

Love & Peace Maneki Neko Cat

Love & Peace Maneki Neko Cat

Animals Killed Counter

The Animal Kill Counter: Basic Version << ADAPTT :: Animals Deserve Absolute Protection Today and Tomorrow

Animals Slaughtered:

0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows and calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons and other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels and other camelids

These are the numbers of animals killed worldwide by the meat, egg, and dairy industries since you opened this webpage. These numbers do NOT include the many millions of animals killed each year in vivisection laboratories. They do NOT include the millions of dogs and cats killed in animal shelters every year. They do NOT include the animals who died while held captive in the animal-slavery enterprises of circuses, rodeos, zoos, and marine parks. They do NOT include the animals killed while pressed into such blood sports as bullfighting, cockfighting, dogfighting, and bear- baiting, nor do they include horses and grey- hounds who were exterminated after they were no longer deemed suitable for racing. Courtesy of ADAPTT

Veg Movies Website - Largest collection of Animal Activism films!

VegMovies plant-based and animal-friendly movie directory


Saturday, May 25, 2013

4th Annual Vegan Spirituality Retreat


If you are a regular reader of my blog (thanks!), you know I am very against the spending of precious time, energy and/or money on "Veg Fests" and "Animal Rights Conferences", but the Fourth Annual Vegan Spirituality Retreat is more than just a place for vegans to gather and "educate" the already educated veg people about veganism that Veg Fests and Animal Rights Conferences do. This retreat does much more! Read on to discover what this super cool retreat is all about:

Vegan Spirituality and Public Eye: Artists for Animals present our 4th Annual Vegan Spirituality Retreat on the East Coast, Exploring Veganism as a Spiritual Practice. We welcome World Peace Diet author Dr. Will Tuttle as our featured speaker. Enjoy group discussions, guided meditations, yoga classes with vegan yogis Derek Goodwin and Ximena Milagros Savitch, a delicious vegan lunch catered by The Nile Café, a nature walk, and an Animal Blessing with percussionist Lonnie Davis. Childcare is provided. Friendly companion animals are welcome at the Retreat and Blessing Ceremony.

Honor your companion animals and animals around the world through drumming and dancing in nature. Bring companion animals, a photo, or your own animal spirit! Everyone is invited to drum and dance in the Ceremony, which offers opportunities to celebrate animal companions, honor those that have died, empathize with animals suffering around the world, and create a vision of harmony between humans and other animals. Please bring leashes or carriers for your animal companions.

You’re welcome to bring a vegan/synthetic drum. The Ceremony is free and open to the public.

Date: Saturday, June 1 (west coast)

Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm, Registration begins at 9:30am

3:00pm to 4:00pm, Animal Blessing Ceremony

Location: Wright Ranch Malibu, 24680 Piuma Road, Malibu, CA 

Cost (includes lunch): $70 online registration (5/1-31), $75 at the door (6/1), $50 students/seniors, $40 youth (12-17), $20 children (6-11), free for children under 6. Registration preferred by 5/25.

Date: Saturday, July 20, 2013 (east coast)

Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., registration begins at 9:30 a.m.

3 p.m. to 4 p.m., Animal Blessing Ceremony (free and open to the public)

Location: Saunders Woods, 1020 Waverly Road, Gladwyne, Pennsylvania

Cost (includes lunch): $50 online registration (starting 6/1), $60 at the door (7/20), $40 students/seniors, $30 youth (12-17), $20 children (6-11), free for children under 6. Registration preferred by 7/13.


Bring: Yoga mat, water bottle, walking shoes, companion animal photos.

To Register: or contact Lisa Levinson at, 215-620-2130

For even more information, check out Vegan Spirituality

Friday, May 24, 2013

An Award for Inspiring!


I have been nominated for the Sunshine Award. I must admit, I had never heard of the award before, but then again, I don't keep up with knowledge of awards online or offline (unless if it's the Academy Awards). Nevertheless, I appreciate the nom. Thank you, Noelle MacLeod. =)

From what I've read, the Sunshine Award is a blogger-to-blogger award for blogs that inspire and bring sunshine into people’s lives. Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere. (Loves it!)

  Rules for the Sunshine Award:
-Post the logo, thank the giver and link to their post.
-Answer the 10 questions below
-Nominate up to 10 other bloggers for the Sunshine award, letting them know in the comments section of their blog, & linking to their blogs.

1. Favorite color?
Burnt orange (all autumn colors)

2. Favorite animal?  
I love them all, but I am currently most closest to my female companion animal chihuahua, Paquita.

3. Favorite number? 

4. Non-alcoholic drink?
Soy Nog

5. Alcoholic drink?
Riesling white wine

6. Facebook or Twitter?

7. Passions?
God & Goddess. Animals. My family. Wicca. Writing.

8. Giving or receiving?
Must be both because I want to receive more so I can give more.

9. Favorite city?
The City of Roses: Portland (Oregon)

10. Favorite TV show?
Coronation Street (a British soap that's been on TV since 1961 and will surely outlive me--it's fabulous)

I guess I can't nominate someone who has nominated me(?)

I nominate The Crystal Chick. She (Samantha Fey) is truly an inspiration to the universe of majick and all spirituality. The items she sell are awesome and they work!--as long as you have genuine faith and good intentions...She is truly a blessing and a phenomenal spiritual teacher!  I learn a lot from Samantha and have grown a lot spiritually because of her.

I could nominate others that are inspirational to me but they are animal rights blogs that probably wouldn't appreciate the nom--and might even delete my nom comment!

Follow Me on Twitter! I share links daily regarding animal rights/veganism on Twitter: