

V-EGANISM is independent in thoughts and actions, only choosing what is right and just for animals, humans, and the environment. V-EGANISM however does have a mission statement which is how the founder of veganism, Donald Watson, originally coined the word's definition. It was a perfect definition then and it still is a perfect definition now. So the following paragraph is V-EGANISM's official Mission Statement:

"V-EGANISM educates people and helps people and animals regarding the political and social justice cause, Veganism, which is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude--as far as is possible and practical--all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing, cosmetics, household products, entertainment, service or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals, and the environment."


I share links daily regarding animal rights/veganism on BlueSky:

Healthy Body, Mind & Spirit Maneki Neko Cat

Healthy Body, Mind & Spirit Maneki Neko Cat

Love & Peace Maneki Neko Cat

Love & Peace Maneki Neko Cat

Animals Killed Counter

The Animal Kill Counter: Basic Version << ADAPTT :: Animals Deserve Absolute Protection Today and Tomorrow

Animals Slaughtered:

0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows and calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons and other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels and other camelids

These are the numbers of animals killed worldwide by the meat, egg, and dairy industries since you opened this webpage. These numbers do NOT include the many millions of animals killed each year in vivisection laboratories. They do NOT include the millions of dogs and cats killed in animal shelters every year. They do NOT include the animals who died while held captive in the animal-slavery enterprises of circuses, rodeos, zoos, and marine parks. They do NOT include the animals killed while pressed into such blood sports as bullfighting, cockfighting, dogfighting, and bear- baiting, nor do they include horses and grey- hounds who were exterminated after they were no longer deemed suitable for racing. Courtesy of ADAPTT

Veg Movies Website - Largest collection of Animal Activism films!

VegMovies plant-based and animal-friendly movie directory


Showing posts with label vegan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegan. Show all posts

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Why I Will Not Support Any Stranger (famous or not) Who Says They Are "Vegan"

It's all over the vegan community how a celebrity (who never was vegan in the first place, in spite of many who said she was), now owns a line of leather and suede footwear.

Also, in the past, I have read how staff at restaurants talks of "vegan" celebrities who get a private room in back and orders steak or some other animal flesh unbeknown to the general public.

I believe this because it sounds true. All types of people lie and many, many celebrities lie more to further their image. It's all about image to most celebrities and if they were honest in the slightest, will probably tell you behind closed doors:

"So what if I am not vegan as I say in public. I am an entertainer, so when I'm out in public that's the focus: Being famous, a celebrity, an entertainer. And what do entertainers do? We act in public. Celebrities fake in public. We keep up with the trends to stay well-known. It's all an act you naive fool!"

Again, I'm sure not all celebrities are this way, but many are.

Genuine vegans: If you want to support people who you do NOT know personally, and cheer them for being "vegan", go ahead because that's your choice, but I will not be so naive as to assume just because some stranger--celebrity or not--tells me they are vegan, that they genuinely are vegan.

I'll admit, I have supported some people who say they are vegan, but I will no longer do so. Great!--if they are, but I won't support them publicly if I do not know them personally.

Instead, I'll always just say to myself, "Oh. If it's true, that's great." and then I forgot they even said it, and continue to stay busy in my activism.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Simply Vegans Come in All Healthy Shapes and Sizes!

Before I go any further, I want to say that before taking on any change in diet, please consult your doctor first, preferably a vegan doctor or one that is vegan-friendly and knowledgeable.
The American Dietitian Association has said that a vegan diet is safe for all stages of the life cycle. I have met many vegans, but I now see more and more people who want to go further than having a vegan diet and are restricting all processed and cooked foods, becoming raw food vegans.

There has not been enough research to prove if a 100% raw food diet is safe, whereas simply having a vegan diet has been scientifically proven as safe.

What I have personally seen is that raw food vegans are very thin, and many look sickly thin, and that is not good for them or for the animal rights cause. People see these raw food vegans and think they are anorexic--I think that too sometimes. It does raw food vegans no good to look sick and therefore are sick/malnourished. In fact, some foods are better nutritionally and need to be cooked for it to be digested better for the body, including some antioxidants that fights cancer. So at least one should have some cooked foods in their meals along with some oils.

This obsession vegans have with being super-thin is ridiculous! Don't get me wrong; I am anti-severely overweight fat/not being healthy. But what I like about being simply a vegan, unlike a raw food vegan, is that we come in all healthy shapes and sizes, but what I find disturbing are some vegans who feel embarrassed because they are not pencil thin--I've met these vegans.

Regarding image--especially if looking for a romantic partner: Not every guy or girl wants a lollipop body looking person as a mate. Many people love a person with some meat on their bones--and muscle. I very rarely see any muscle on raw food vegans. They look weak and feeble--not attractive at all, in my opinion. This is not what many people want and that's why some people may not be interested in being a vegan because they think they will look like a skeleton.

A good example of size is the singer Beyonce. She is reportedly a strict vegetarian--eating no animal products--and many, many guys (and women) love the way she looks. She has said she will never be thin and she loves her curves, and so do millions of people. That is just one example of how we can be of any shape, so that's one good thing Beyonce is doing is showing the world you can have a great curvy body and be a strict vegetarian (meaning the diet part only of veganism). I've yet to see a raw food vegan be anywhere near her weight and looks (btw, I've seen Beyonce with no make-up at all and she still looks great--doesn't need make-up).

So vegans, of all shapes and sizes, be proud of your body, as long as you are not dangerously overweight (and your doctor can determine a healthy weight for you). Being simply a vegan is perfect for your health, for the animals, and for the planet, so there's no need to restrict yourself of any more food.

Eat well!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How I Define Veganism First and Foremost

When I say I'm vegan, I'm now defining it in the most serious of terms, to get it through people's heads it's not just some fad. So I define vegan as (which it is) a political, social justice movement. This definition, in my opinion, makes it sound a lot more powerful, and places it where it deserves, alongside other issues like, pro-life/pro-choice, human rights, GLBTQ rights, etc. which are also political, social justice movements. Then if I talk further with the person, I go into detail what veganism is all about.

People never say they are, for instance, pro-life, for human rights, etc., because of ethical reasons. Why should animal rights activists?

Saying words like "ethical", "philosophical", (or "plant-based", which is a term I have never used) just doesn't hold power like saying "political" and "social justice"; there seems to be more respect when those two words are stated. This is from my own personal experience when I speak to people.

So I tell people I'm vegan for political, social justice reasons.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Vegan Global Run

Unfortunately, I just missed the first (hopefully annual) virtual vegan global runners day.

It was held on April 4, 2015, sponsored by Vegan Health and Fitness.

It was an event where vegans from all over the world participated together in a virtual run! Runners chose the length of their run, their location, and how many times they started and stopped over the day of the event.

If you missed this year's run, you can still get more information about it, and keep up-to-date on upcoming events throughout the vegan community by registering at the Vegan Health and Fitness' website, where can also post your profile and get tips from champion vegan athletes too.

Check it all out at the link above, and specifically about the virtual global run at: Vegan Global Run

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Live And Let Live - Trailer

Live and Let Live is a feature documentary film examining our relationship with animals, the history of veganism and the ethical, environmental and health reasons that move people to go vegan.

Check out the trailer:

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Vegan Valentine's Candy and Chocolate Truffles Recipes--both Raw!

Here's a video on how to make your own healthy Vegan Valentine candy---ENJOY!

Here's a video on how to make your own Vegan Chocolate Truffles--ENJOY!

Monday, January 19, 2015

10 Rebuttals Every Vegan Should Know

Being vegan has some truly positive effects. Veganism is clearly better for the animals, it is healthier for the environment, and it has proven to be amazing for the human body. With veganism sounding so marvelous, you would think that everyone would be vegan. However, there are people out there who are not aware of the details and think that vegans are lacking from this lifestyle.

Read more:

Monday, January 12, 2015

Vegan Airline Dining Guide

"Many airlines offer special meals to accommodate passengers of varying lifestyles and dietary preferences, providing a number of alternative meal types on long-distance flights including Western vegetarian/vegan, vegetarian Jain (pure vegetarian/vegan meal adhering to the principles of the Jain belief system), and raw vegetable and/or fruit plates. These alternative meals must be confirmed in advance at the time of ticket purchase or at least 72 hours prior to check-in. These options might vary according to seasonal availability and changes in budget."

Read more here: 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Two of My Heroes: Emily Dickinson, Vincent van Gogh

I just found out Emily Dickinson was a vegetarian! Yay!

She was born in 1830, so it would have been a miracle if she had been vegan back then. Even to be a vegetarian in the 1800's was gutsy and great. I'm looking forward to reading her complete bio, as I have her book on poems.

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh was another vegetarian that I love. He was also born in the 1800's too--in 1853. I have all his paintings shown in a book, plus his letters to his brother Theo.

Two beautiful, gifted people, who I love as artists, and wonderful to know they were veg!

Monday, December 22, 2014

When Your Family Hates You for Being Vegan

When people become vegan they are often bewildered at the strength of the resistance or criticism they receive from others, particularly their family. They may have faced resistance to many other choices before, but when it comes to veganism there is none of the usual open-mindedness and willingness to embrace change, and little sign of a genuine desire of family members to love them even while they hate their behavior, writes psychologist Clare Mann. 

Why is this so, and what can vegans do when faced with a family imploring them to revert to non-veganism? Read more at:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Problem with Vegan/Animal Rights Forums

I have been a regular poster on many online vegan/animal rights forums and I have yet to find one where I would like to stay there.

After thinking about it, I've come to the conclusion that what they all have in common is the people on these forums have a huge chip on their shoulder, eagerly looking to be defensive and ready to attack you if you say just one thing they don't like, and less likely to be politely informative and cordial.

I believe the reason is based on the much egotism and jealously within the vegan/animal rights community/forums, and this really brings out the worst in people. I can even "feel" the negative energy if I stay their long enough--and a few hours is long enough!

There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with others, stating why and encouraging others to see your side if it helps the animals in a positive way, but it should be done in a mature, polite manner instead of putting people down, hurling insults to the point where the moderators (sometimes) have to delete comments because they are so vile. This does not make for a friendly, healthy place to fellowship with others!

I will not name names of these vegan/animal rights forums but chances are, all the ones you know about are like this. I have a feeling if there is a website filled with mature animal rights people in the forum, such a site is probably small and difficult to find online. Why? Because I think many people enjoy the meanness, rudeness, and bloodthirsty arguments in forums; I guess to them it makes for good entertainment. But whether the reason for such horrible forums is because of egotism, jealously or looking for some bloodthirsty entertainment, we need to stop this ridiculousness as an animal rights movement and instead discuss, educate, and  encourage people in a mature, kind, responsible manner. Non-vegans are watching and it's no wonder many refuse to be a part of the animal rights cause.

While I think vegans definitely need to talk more to non-vegans instead of wasting much time discussing veganism with other vegans (aka preaching to the choir), we do need some time to discuss with other vegans on how to approach non-vegans in an effective way so they become vegan/animal rights activists, and well, sometimes animal activism can be very emotionally draining and it's sometimes good and healthy to be with fellow vegans for encouragement and to regroup.

Also, I've noticed most vegan/animal rights people aren't that spiritual. I think lack of a spiritual foundation causes mean-spiritedness, negative energy and anger. Vegans should take time out to deal with that side of them. It's imperative to be healthy in all parts of one's life: Body, Mind and Spirit. This makes for a better, more mature person.

We vegans/animal rights people must be a  good representative of the movement. The animals depend on it.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The 3 Top Misconceptions about Veganism

I have been a vegan since 1983. And through those years, I have met many vegans and most of them are making erroneous statements about what it means to be vegan. I notice it's getting worse and worse as the years go by as the definition of veganism gets unethically watered down more and more...It's very disconcerting. These same "vegans" are also making things even more worse by teaching non-vegans incorrectly about what it means to be an animal rights activist.
So let me give you the facts if you have believed any of the following misconceptions:


Nope. Even though most vegans do love animals, you don't have to love animals to be a vegan. I don't know of any person who honestly loves every single animal on this planet--and I don't think anyone does. I certainly don't! Liberating animals has got nothing to do with loving them. Animal liberation has everything to do with justice and freedom to allow sentient beings to live as they want in peace.


Nope..not exactly. Sure one must be cruelty-free to be vegan but that isn't the main reason to be vegan. Veganism is about being exploitation-free. There's a difference. One example is using service animals. Service animals, be they being used for a business or privately--even treated very well physically--are still animals being used; it is still exploitation and exploiting any being is unethical and not vegan. So just because animals are not being treated cruelly--in the sense that they are not being beaten, starved, or killed, the fact that they are being used in any way is exploiting them. Regarding keeping animals as companion animals, we only do this because humans unethically forced animals to be kept to serve or to be used as companions many generations ago, domesticating them to the point where they have lost most of their natural wild instinct to survive in nature. It's now pretty much a fait accompli where we have no choice but to keep them as "companions" otherwise they would die very quickly in the wild, at a great unjustly disadvantage.


False and totally missing the point of being a vegan. We must teach people the truth and nothing but. They must know what being vegan means, and let them decide on their own whether they want to become vegan immediately or sometime later, but we never give them suggestions (different ways of still exploiting an animal in their journey) of how to get there--and as they go on their own journey, they are not vegans. That is their decision, and one they have to live with if they choose to be vegan later. They must know being vegan means one does not eat, drink, use, or wear ANY animal product item, nor is tested on animals.

No, there is no such thing as a perfect vegan but if one strives daily and honestly to remove as much animal products from their life as possible, this is what it means to be a vegan. I am constantly researching to find exploitative-free items to replace things in my house that is from an animal--or tested on animals. And with SO MANY vegan things around in this day and age--from expensive to free; from intentionally to unintentionally--vegan, there's no excuse to wait to be vegan.

It's devastatingly sad that many known vegans are teaching falsehoods like the above to non-vegans. Just speak the truth in love. Don't insult people by hiding the facts or saying things just to make them feel less guilty. If, for instance, they choose on their own to start with being vegetarian, just encourage them to become vegan from time-to-time and show by example the vegan life.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Montreal’s First Ever “Vegan Super Store”

Finding exclusively vegan products can be a bit of struggle at times. Even though Montreal has many restaurants, health stores, and grocers that cater to the vegan life, no establishment exists that solely stocks vegan products. Antidote Superalimentation, Montreal and Quebec’s first 100% vegan grocery store, has changed that:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

11 Vegan Leather Dresses To Add To Your Cruelty-Free Fall Wardrobe

These beautiful dresses at the link below are perfect for anybody who wants to try out a cool look, sans the cruelty. Each of these styles proves that you don’t ever have to sacrifice your ethics in order to accomplish an awesome outfit!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Is Eating Animals A Personal Choice?

If you or anyone else you know has ever said, "I respect your choice to be vegan, so you should respect my choice to eat meat," watch this video. Eating animal products is not a choice to be equally respected as the choice to be vegan. You always hear how we each have the personal right to say what goes in our bodies, but what about when our right to choose comes at the violation of another’s rights and choices?

Friday, September 5, 2014

15 Vegan Leather Jackets for Fall Fashion

"If you want to get warm, look good, and love animals, you should snag one of these gorgeous vegan leather jackets to wear all autumn long."

Check out this Fall vegan leather jacket shopping guide:

Monday, September 1, 2014

7 Sneaky Animal Ingredients to Watch Out For in Supplements

"Many ingredients in vitamins and supplements come from animals or involve animals during production. Be sure to read vitamin and supplements carefully, and always look under the ingredients list at the end of the nutrition label to see exactly what is in the supplement you’re buying. Unless you’re buying exclusively vegan vitamins (like the ones above), at the link below you’ll more than likely see one of the following animal ingredients in at least one of the supplements you’re taking."

Follow Me on Twitter! I share links daily regarding animal rights/veganism on Twitter: